41 articles
Digital signatures cannot solve the requirement of checking the authenticity of documents required by KYC procedures. That is where smart contracts may come in handy.
Major areas of risk for initial coin offerings that you can and should address before selling a single token.
Blockchain was designed to reliably store data forever. Unfortunately, such design conflicts with modern privacy legislation trends.
As we predicted at the end of 2017, malicious cryptomining is booming in 2018, up by 44%.
What is a cryptocurrency wallet, and how do you choose which one suits you best?
While you’re watching YouTube, someone might just be using your device to mine cryptocurrency.
The cryptomining boom is helping scammers make money out of thin air. The latest method involves fake currency and ransomware.
In this week’s Kaspersky Lab’s Transatlantic Cable podcast, Dave and Jeff look at cryptokittens, password pains, 2-factor authentication earrings and much more.
The Cybersecurity Summit is more than you might think: We talked space, blockchain, quantum computing, and more
Along with economic benefits, any new technology also comes with a certain number of problems. Cryptocurrencies are no exception.
Smart contracts have made Ethereum the world’s second-largest cryptocurrency. We explain what Ethereum is and how it fits with the trendy concept of ICOs.
Let’s talk about solving blockchain’s six main problems to help it work better, faster, and more efficiently.
Everyone talks about the advantages of Bitcoin and blockchain, but we never seem to hear about their disadvantages. Perhaps now is the time.
Who is mining cryptocurrency such as bitcoins — and where have all the graphics cards gone?
Until very recently, news of blockchain was all around. Now that the hype has passed, let’s contemplate blockchain’s future.
Teams from 19 universities in the US and UK competed in Kaspersky Lab’s Cybersecurity Case Study Competition. See what they’ve came up with.
Confused and wondering how Bitcoin and blockchain work? In this post we break it all down for you.
Suddenly in an instant I became an outsider in the system. While I was being ‘fixed’, I had an opportunity to think about it and now I can sharee my thoughts with you.
Tech giants Intel and IBM are seeking to hire Bitcoin experts, but their interest appears to be focussed on the service’s public ledger rather than the cryptocurrency itself