Urban surveillance camera systems lacking security
Kaspersky Lab researchers examined one city’s network of surveillance cameras and determined that the systems were not very secure.
“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.” ― Kurt Vonnegut
177 articles
Kaspersky Lab researchers examined one city’s network of surveillance cameras and determined that the systems were not very secure.
Tech journalists Chris Brook and Brian Donohue discuss Google I/O, the IRS and Carefirst BlueCross BlueShield Data Breach in this Talk Security podcast.
Much has been said about the VENOM vulnerability, which is part of the new-age phenomena of Virtualization.
A new, Chinese-language APT has emerged, seeking geopolitical information and targeting nations in and around the South China Sea
It was recently discovered that certain Hospira drug infusion pumps contain dangerous and easily exploitable security vulnerabilities.
New research demonstrates that it is possible to hack and hijack devices used to perform remote surgery
The annual RSA Conference in San Francisco, California of Internet-of-things insecurity and how no amount of money can fix computer security
Threatpost security reporters Chris Brook and Brian Donohue discuss the Github DDoS, Dyre banking malware, privacy threats, hacking and more
A New York artist made an exhibition out of making a single private and anonymous cell phone call outside the scope of government spying. Here’s how he did it:
Tech giants Intel and IBM are seeking to hire Bitcoin experts, but their interest appears to be focussed on the service’s public ledger rather than the cryptocurrency itself
A new piece of ransomware has emerged and it’s going after a younger crowd by encrypting only those files on infected machines that relate to online game play
Windows 10 will offer users the ability to authenticate themselves with biometric identifiers rather than passwords
Samsung Pay is set to come out in South Korea and the U.S. this summer. The company isn’t saying much, but we tried to find out what we could about security on the platform
New allegations against the NSA claim the group hacked into the network of the world’s largest SIM card provider, stealing encryption keys to millions of devices.
Brian Donohue and Chris Brook of Threatpost discuss Kaspersky Lab’s Security Analyst Summit, which took place last week in Cancun, Mexico
Kaspersky Lab researchers uncovered Desert Falcons, the first exclusively Arabic APT group, presenting their findings at the Security Analyst Summit in Cancun.
Buried in Samsung’s terms of service is the admission that spoken words are picked up and passed along to third parties by voice recognition.
In this talk security podcast, Chris Brook and Brian Donohue discuss the upcoming Security Analyst Summit, Flash zero days, the Ghost vulnerability and the Anthem breach
WhatsApp has finally released a Web version of its popular mobile messaging service. We take a look at it from the security perspective.
New version of CTB-Locker, a ransomware that uses Tor and Bitcoin to evade detection and takedowns, should be avoided at all costs.
Researcher discovers that Progressive Snapshot tools lack any real security controls and could be exploited by attackers to hack cars.